Nusa Penida

Traveling by fast boat has become a popular and efficient way to explore the beautiful islands of Indonesia. For those planning a trip, taking a fast boat to Nusa Penida is an excellent choice. Here’s everything you need to know to make the most of your journey.

Quick Facts

  • Port to Port: Sanur – Matahari Terbit to Nusa Penida – 45 minutes
  • Jetty: Sanur – Beach, Nusa Penida – Jetty
  • Size: 19 km long and 12 km wide
  • Getting Around: Car/Driver, Motorbike
  • Roads: Asphalt Roads and Tracks

Population and Development

Unlike the Gili Islands, Nusa Penida is a large island that is still developing. The tourist infrastructure is limited but rapidly growing. Visitors should not expect the same level of luxury found in the Gili Islands, such as high-end accommodations, diverse food options, and readily available essentials. Consequently, prices here can be higher than in Bali, and luxury items are scarce.

Despite its underdevelopment, Nusa Penida offers breathtaking scenery and natural attractions, making it one of Indonesia’s most “Instagramable” locations. The recent improvements in infrastructure, particularly the roads, have made it easier to explore the island. However, given the size and the number of attractions, it is recommended to stay at least one night to fully experience what Nusa Penida has to offer.

Kelingking Beach

Top Attractions in Nusa Penida

Nusa Penida is mountainous and boasts incredible views. If you’re visiting for just a day, it’s wise to focus on one or two regions (West, East, or South) as covering all three in one day is challenging.

West Nusa Penida
  1. Broken Beach: A natural rock archway over the ocean.
  2. Angel’s Billabong: A natural infinity pool.
  3. Kelingking Beach: Known for its dinosaur head-shaped cliff.
  4. Crystal Bay: Ideal for snorkeling.
East Nusa Penida
  1. Goa Giri Putri Temple: A unique temple inside a cave.
  2. Raja Lima (Thousand Island Viewpoint): Stunning panoramic views.
  3. Atuh Beach: A secluded and beautiful beach.
  4. Suwehan Beach: A hidden gem with pristine sand.
South Nusa Penida
  1. Tembeling Natural Pool & Forest: A natural swimming pool surrounded by forest.
  2. Banah Cliff Point: Spectacular cliffs with ocean views.
  3. Peguyangan Waterfall: A waterfall with a sacred water temple.

Traveling by Fast Boat to Nusa Penida

Booking a Nusa Penida fast boat from the bali fast boats is straightforward and offers a quick journey from Bali. The route from Sanur to Nusa Penida takes just 45 minutes, making it a convenient option for travelers. Fast boats are equipped with modern amenities to ensure a comfortable ride. Be sure to book your tickets in advance, especially during peak seasons, to secure your spot.

Tips for a Smooth Journey

  1. Check the Schedule: Confirm your departure time and arrive early.
  2. Pack Light: Space on fast boats is limited, so bring only what you need.
  3. Stay Informed: Weather conditions can affect schedules, so keep an eye on any changes.
  4. Choose Comfort: Opt for reputable services that offer comfortable seating and amenities.

Enhancing Your Visit

To make the most of your visit to Nusa Penida, consider our add-on packages that include a driver/guide. This can greatly enhance your experience by helping you navigate the island’s attractions efficiently, whether you’re visiting for a day or staying for a couple of days.

Whether you’re traveling by fast boat to Nusa Penida, fast boat from Lombok to Bali, or seeking a fast boat to Gili, choosing a fast boat is an excellent way to explore Indonesia’s stunning archipelago. Book your tickets in advance, travel light, and prepare for an unforgettable adventure. Enjoy the best of island hopping with the reliability and comfort of a fast boat service.